Wednesday, March 18, 2009

You The Patient " A Community Of Cells "

YOU are here reading this blog ! This means that somewhere in your consciousness the information in these articles is recognized as pertinent to your future.Your lifes' purpose is defined by your point of view [POV] which is shaped by experiences .The parents,siblings,religion,teachers,nation,neighborhood,education,health,beliefs,passion,compassion,fear,anger, and bonding abilities shape your point of view [POV] and therefore profoundly influence your life's purpose [ or lack of].

Your state of HEALTH reflects this three dimensional image [ POV ] .Your point of view is your self image/self esteem .NOW may be the time to scroll down and read all the articles . They are for and about many of YOU !

Bruce Lipton PHD " Epigenetics,New Biology " discusses the human organism as a community of cells .Mae Wan Ho PHD discusses the connective tissue as a semi-conductor . HERE ! Dr Frank Maye proposes it is this very environment of cell community coupled with lifes biological semiconducting capacity that provides,organizes,and encourages intercellular communication !Amino acids,neuropeptides,enzymes and neural circuitry are the support systems for what naturally occurs in our universe . This natural phenomena is COMMUNICATION.Osmosis provides a healthy transfer of information across membranes regardless of geographical location.

Cells communicate with each other and communicate with their environment [EPIGENETICALLY]as a WHOLE ! This demands energy .Individual cellular capacity as well as the collective cellular capacity of the organism [ individual ]determines biophysical age.How much ENERGY do you have? Do you have more or less than ten years ago.Will you have more ENERGY ten years from now.Anti aging methods of the near future will take cellular capacity into account.

When a human being [ YOU ] is very young the community of cells are rich in energy.The harmonics are unimpeded . The outside world [ EPIGENETIC] IS INNOCENT and pristine! The inside neural structure [ enteric,matrix,cortico/thalamic ]is clear and receptive.The hypothalamus has made no adjustments for fear and rage. The body's biochemistry is also pristine and the cellular communication is at its best.

The young person then is exposed to fear and the cellular communication changes.The hypothalamus records the blood pressure,temperature,sounds,smells,skin response,and ENVIRONMENT so as to lock them in for future similar circumstances necessary to avoid.A coping mechanism of behavioral responses including the release of biochemistry is equally recorded.We [ YOU ] are now protective and less creative.The less you understand the fearful experience the greater the need for adaptation [ coping mechanism].Each and every experience of fear or now maybe ANGER is related to the original . The person [ you] no longer has harmonic cellular communication but fragmented communication based upon cortico/thalamic response[judgemental].Enteric,autonomic,and hypothalamic nervous systems although working together are also quite disharmonic in their coordination . The more fight/flight the environment , the more fragmented the coordination. Then one day the fight / flight environment is autonomically AUTOMATIC! ANXIETY is the body's manner of anticipating fear .Adrenaline is produced in greater and greater amounts until the immune system exhausts itself and now we experience DEPRESSION . For every action there is an equal but opposite reaction.The LAWS of physics apply!

When a TRAUMA occurs that defies logic [ ie physical,sexual,psychological & or emotional abuse]the hypothalamus appears to add energy to the three dimensional,emotional holographic vision of the event.Each recall of this event as well as similar events contribute more energy. The person's self talk cycle moves the holographic image from the past to the present state of mind [ holomovement ].This requires energy.As energy diminishes it does so across the community of cells in such a fashion as to maintain homeostasis [ balance ].Different sytems of the body will fair better than others. When the overall cellular capacity can no longer support homeostasis disease becomes the priority of communication within the cellular community [ epigenetics].

Our lifestyle [ fight/flight ] has so much to do with our longevity and LONGEVITALITY [Bordon 2008].Our emotional health is the KEY to both biochemical and biophysical harmonics . HARMONICS is the language of the community of cells .

You should be asking many questions of yourself.What is the health of my marriage,siblings,parents,friends,body chemistry,workplace,neighborhood and CHILDHOOD !Are they fueling fight /flight ? Why am I immersed in this environment ?

What is my self talk cycle like ? Am i angry? Am I fearful? IS THIS INTEFERING IN MY LIFE!!!

Continue seeing your healthcare team! INCLUDE the information you find in these blogs for your personal HEALTH future !INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE is a team approach.

Please review our website We would love the opportunity to help you ,your family,and circle of friends . REMEMBER treatment needs to restore the harmonic integrity of all systems within the body.Cellular capacity needs to be increased as harmonics are brought back on line. We will enjoy hearing from you.Our contact information is on the website.